CRAN/E | R Packages from Jorge Nocedal

Jorge Nocedal

Author of 13 R packages

Quick info

Jorge Nocedal has worked on 13 packages so far. In total, Jorge Nocedal has worked with 101 other authors on those packages. This amount of teamwork is mind-blowing! A true legend.

Packages overview


Package details


Fast Inference for Large Spatial Datasets using BRISC

Arkajyoti Saha , Abhirup Datta , Jorge Nocedal , Naoaki Okazaki , Lukas M. Weber


Bounded Time Series Regression

Taiane Schaedler Prass , Guilherme Pumi , Fábio Mariano Bayer , Jack Joseph Dongarra , Cleve Moler , Gilbert Wright Stewart , Ciyou Zhu , Richard H. Byrd , Jorge Nocedal , Jose Luis Morales , Peihuang Lu-Chen , John Burkardt , Alan Miller , B.E. Schneider , Alfred H. Morris , D.E. Shaw , Robert W.M. Wedderburn , Jason Blevins , Brian Wichman , David Hill , Hiroshi Takano , George Marsaglia , Jean-Michel Brankart , Steve Kifowit , Donald E. Knuth , Catherine Loader


Modelling and Analysis of Dynamic Computer Experiments

Ru Zhang , Chunfang Devon Lin , Pritam Ranjan , Robert B Gramacy , Nicolas Devillard , Jorge Nocedal , Jose Luis Morales , Ciyou Zhu , Richard Byrd , Peihuang Lu-Chen , Berend Hasselman , Jack Dongarra , Jeremy Du Croz , Sven Hammarling , Richard Hanson , University of Chicago , University of California


A Fast and Scalable Exhaustive Feature Selection Framework

Rudolf Jagdhuber , Jorge Nocedal , Naoaki Okazaki


Collective Matrix Factorization for Recommender Systems

David Cortes , Jorge Nocedal , Naoaki Okazaki , David Blackman , Sebastiano Vigna , NumPy Developers


Conditional Random Fields for Labelling Sequential Data in Natural Language Processing

Jan Wijffels , BNOSAC , Naoaki Okazaki , Bob Jenkins , Jorge Nocedal , Jesse Long


An Alternative 'Rcpp' Wrapper of 'MeCab'

Akiru Kato , Shogo Ichinose , Taku Kudo , Jorge Nocedal , Nippon Telegraph , Telephone Corporation


Combining Tree-Boosting with Gaussian Process and Mixed Effects Models

Fabio Sigrist , Tim Gyger , Pascal Kuendig , Benoit Jacob , Gael Guennebaud , Nicolas Carre , Pierre Zoppitelli , Gauthier Brun , Jean Ceccato , Jitse Niesen , Other authors of Eigen for the included version of Eigen , Timothy A. Davis , Guolin Ke , Damien Soukhavong , James Lamb , Other authors of LightGBM for the included version of LightGBM , Microsoft Corporation , Dropbox , Inc. , Jay Loden , Dave Daeschler , Giampaolo Rodola , Alberto Ferreira , Daniel Lemire , Victor Zverovich , IBM Corporation , Keith O'Hara , Stephen L. Moshier , Jorge Nocedal , Naoaki Okazaki , Yixuan Qiu , Dirk Toewe


Limited-memory BFGS Optimization

Antonio Coppola , Brandon Stewart , Naoaki Okazaki , David Ardia , Dirk Eddelbuettel , Katharine Mullen , Jorge Nocedal


Limited Memory BFGS Minimizer with Bounds on Parameters with optim() 'C' Interface

Matthew L Fidler , John C Nash , Ciyou Zhu , Richard Byrd , Jorge Nocedal , Jose Luis Morales


Stochastic EM Algorithms for Latent Variable Models with a High-Dimensional Latent Space

Siliang Zhang , Yunxiao Chen , Jorge Nocedal , Naoaki Okazaki


High-Dimensional Ising Model Selection

Pratik Ramprasad , Jorge Nocedal , Naoaki Okazaki


Kriging Models using the 'libKriging' Library

Pascal Havé , Yann Richet , Yves Deville , Conrad Sanderson , Colin Fang , Ciyou Zhu , Richard Byrd , Jorge Nocedal , Jose Luis Morales


Arkajyoti Saha
Abhirup Datta
Naoaki Okazaki
Lukas M. Weber
Taiane Schaedler Prass
Guilherme Pumi
Fábio Mariano Bayer
Jack Joseph Dongarra
Cleve Moler
Gilbert Wright Stewart
Ciyou Zhu
Richard H. Byrd
Jose Luis Morales
Peihuang Lu-Chen
John Burkardt
Alan Miller
B.E. Schneider
Alfred H. Morris
D.E. Shaw
Robert W.M. Wedderburn
Jason Blevins
Brian Wichman
David Hill
Hiroshi Takano
George Marsaglia
Jean-Michel Brankart
Steve Kifowit
Donald E. Knuth
Catherine Loader
Ru Zhang
Chunfang Devon Lin
Pritam Ranjan
Robert B Gramacy
Nicolas Devillard
Richard Byrd
Berend Hasselman
Jack Dongarra
Jeremy Du Croz
Sven Hammarling
Richard Hanson
University of Chicago
University of California
Rudolf Jagdhuber
David Cortes
David Blackman
Sebastiano Vigna
NumPy Developers
Jan Wijffels
Bob Jenkins
Jesse Long
Akiru Kato
Shogo Ichinose
Taku Kudo
Nippon Telegraph
Telephone Corporation
Fabio Sigrist
Tim Gyger
Pascal Kuendig
Benoit Jacob
Gael Guennebaud
Nicolas Carre
Pierre Zoppitelli
Gauthier Brun
Jean Ceccato
Jitse Niesen
Other authors of Eigen for the included version of Eigen
Timothy A. Davis
Guolin Ke
Damien Soukhavong
James Lamb
Other authors of LightGBM for the included version of LightGBM
Microsoft Corporation
Jay Loden
Dave Daeschler
Giampaolo Rodola
Alberto Ferreira
Daniel Lemire
Victor Zverovich
IBM Corporation
Keith O'Hara
Stephen L. Moshier
Yixuan Qiu
Dirk Toewe
Antonio Coppola
Brandon Stewart
David Ardia
Dirk Eddelbuettel
Katharine Mullen
Matthew L Fidler
John C Nash
Siliang Zhang
Yunxiao Chen
Pratik Ramprasad
Pascal Havé
Yann Richet
Yves Deville
Conrad Sanderson
Colin Fang